We are excited to announce that PlanIt has joined the NEOGOV family as a part of the Power Products for Public Safety.
Read more here: Press Release
Simplify Scheduling. Enhance Communication. PlanIt Police.


Open Shift Command Center Upgrade

May 2013

The open shift command center is an area where you can manage your open shifts and notify employees of particular shifts which need filled immediately.

The command center today was redesigned to provide a modern and user friendly interface. Additional notification settings were added, and the ability to add open shift notes was added.

Open shift notes will display to all employees when viewing unfilled shifts. This is useful when scheduling for community events which may need a more description than your typical shift.

PlanIt Police

PlanIt Police is an online scheduling system for police departments. PlanIt is developed by Ragnasoft, Inc which has specialized in public safety scheduling solutions for over 10 years.

Our Contacts

PO BOX 4903
Lancaster, PA 17604
Phone: 1-866-471-2001
Fax: 1-717-925-3908
Email: sales@planitschedule.com