We are excited to announce that PlanIt has joined the NEOGOV family as a part of the Power Products for Public Safety.
Read more here: Press Release
Simplify Scheduling. Enhance Communication. PlanIt Police.

Shift Change Tool

Shift Change Tool

Our police scheduling software Shift Change Tool makes it easy to reassign employees to a new shift or rotation.

If your department does shift bids, rotates patrols, or if someone gets promoted, this tool allows you to quickly reassign people to different employee templates. Choose the person’s new template from the dropdown menu and then click save changes at the bottom. Changing these template assignments will not affect a schedule you’ve already created, it will only affect schedules that will be built in the future.

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PlanIt Police

PlanIt Police is an online scheduling system for police departments. PlanIt is developed by Ragnasoft, Inc which has specialized in public safety scheduling solutions for over 10 years.

Our Contacts

PO BOX 4903
Lancaster, PA 17604
Phone: 1-866-471-2001
Fax: 1-717-925-3908
Email: sales@planitschedule.com